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미국학교 교장에게 쓴 편지

작성자 : 관리자
조회수 : 386
미국학교 교장에게 쓴 편지입니다. 참고로 읽어 보시라고요. 교육자 맞는 지 아닌지....
아니 따뜻한 피를 가진 사람이 맞는 지....

Dear The Principal of Chelsea School

My name is Taejin Kim, a new principal of the New York Broadway Korean School that has been for 21 years in Manhattan. As you know about our school, the Korean school has opened only on Saturday. The purpose of the Korean School is to teach Korean ? American children from 4 to 16 years old Korean language and culture so that they find who they are and where they are from. I believe that such education to them ultimately helps
contribute themselves to America where they were born and live.

All of a sudden, I was informed 3 days before we open the school that you did not
allow us to use Chelsea School where we have used for 2 years. It was sad for our
students who really want to learn their mother tongue and culture. They were excited about going to the Korean School because they can have some opportunities to learn and understand all about the country of their parents. But we could not open the school on September 11, 2004. At that time I was in front of your school for 2 hours in order to tell our students and parents who did not know about delaying opening the Korean School. I met 4 children and
their parents and told them about the delay. When I told, I saw that 2 of 4 children started
crying, and their parents gave them a deep hug. I also gave them a hug meaning that I
hope that they forgive me. I felt sad and guilty that as a principal and educator, I was not
able to teach students who want to learn because of my lack of preparation to open the
school on time. I gave them my word, “I promise I will open the Korean School next
week.” After I promised that they stopped crying and returned home.

I understand your stand and situation that the school is under construction, and as a
new principal, I believe that you have the best interests in your school. However, I really
ask you to understand our situation mentioned above as an example. If we tried to use
Chelsea School for hobby group meetings or for others, I would not ask you seriously.
But as you know, we have used the school for education, which is non-profit. I believe that you, an educator, love your students who are really curious about learning and never let
them down. It is the same to me.

Here, I do not ask you to let us use your school for the whole term. Yet I really ask you
to let us use your school for two times, September 18, and 25 so that we have more time to find an appropriate school. We have tried to find a school in Manhattan, but I do not yet
because just one week is very short for me to find a suitable school for 80 students.
We need more time, just two weeks. I promise you that if you allow two weeks, I will move out definitely even if I do not find a school.

Most importantly, I do not want to let our students who have curiosity about learning
down again by telling about delay one more time. Just as you love your students, as I
love my students.

Thank you for your consideration about our situation.

